The countdown to Tri-Fest (Sept. 21-22, 2024 at St. Peter) is now being counted in days, not weeks. to donate, volunteer or learn more, follow this link to our Tri-Fest page.
Event Activities
Enjoy our Tri-Fest with a variety of delicious food, lively music, and a silent auction. Kids will love the games, while adults can savor wine, beer, pull tabs. Find treasures in the book sale, baked goods and country store.. Don’t miss bingo and the pancake breakfast for a fun-filled event!
At Tri-Fest, enjoy a variety of concessions including wine, beer, tacos, shaved ice, corn, fresh fruit, tamales, cotton candy and more. Satisfy your cravings with these delicious treats!
Mark your calendars and invite your friends and neighbors to do the same!
More information coming soon …
Faith Formation registration now open
Registration for faith formation classes in English is now available online. Paper registration forms for both English and Spanish are available in the back of church.
Mission Statement
Our mission statement, introduced by our combined parish council a few weeks ago, will be one of the cornerstones of the closer collaboration between our Catholic parishes of Richfield going forward. Over the next several weeks we will focus on a handful of key elements of the mission statement, how they relate to our vision and values as a Catholic community, and how they should inspire us in our journey as disciples of Christ.
As disciples of Christ, called into community by the Holy Spirit for the glory of God, we, the parishes of Assumption, St. Peter and St. Richard, joyfully share the gospel of Jesus and serve those we meet for the building up of the kingdom of God.
Nuestra declaración de misión, presentada por nuestro consejo parroquial combinado hace unas semanas, será una de las piedras angulares de la colaboración entre nuestras parroquias católicas de Richfield en el futuro. Durante las próximas semanas nos enfocaremos en una selección de frases de la declaración de misión. Consideraremos cómo se relacionan con la visión y los valores de nuestra comunidad católica y cómo deben inspirarnos en nuestro camino como discípulos de Cristo.
Como discípulos de Cristo, llamados por el Espíritu Santo a ser una comunidad para la gloria de Dios, nosotros, las parroquias de Asunción, San Pedro y San Ricardo, compartimos alegremente el evangelio de Jesús y servimos a quienes encontramos para la edificación del reino de Dios.
ACCESSIBILITY: A ramp is located just inside the main entrance on the west side of the church. There is also an elevator entrance at the northeast corner of the building. Parking is available near both entrances.
MASS PROTOCOLS: Masks and social distancing are no longer required, but still encouraged. All COVID-19 positive persons, those who are symptomatic, and those living with them, MUST stay home.
Mass & Confession Times
Assumption website
St. Richard website
Funeral announcements
Safe Environment
Daily Bible Reading
Mass & Prayer Resources
Taizé Evening Prayer
Please join us for Taizé Evening Prayer, first Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Richard.
Named after the monastery in France where much of the music was composed, Taizé prayer is an ecumenical hour of beautiful music, candlelight, and prayerful silence. Music is led by a chamber choir, soloists, piano, guitar, and an instrumental ensemble.
Connect with us
To be added to our e-mail list, call the parish office at 612-866-5089, or e-mail [email protected] and include the e-mail address where you would like updates sent.
Questions about
our Tri-Parish collaboration?
We have established a centralized email address, [email protected], so that you can send us your questions, and someone from parish leadership can follow up with you personally.