St. Peter's Stained Glass Window



(BYO) Lunch ‘n Learn Jan. 15

Please join us 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, at St. Peter and learn about Southwest Options for Women. SWOW offers free and confidential pregnancy services and support, including free ultrasounds. Executive Director Kim Bennecke will be our speaker. Bring your lunch, and enjoy the presentation. Coffee and water will be provided.

Questions? Please contact Sheila:
[email protected]; 612-500-9625.


Small Groups/PECS

If you have not experienced a Parish Evangelization Cell System (PECS) yet, it is never too late to start.

Representatives of our small group ministry will be available Jan. 18-19 in the gathering spaces after Mass to answer questions like:
What is PECS?
What do we do in a cell meeting? The seven moments of a small group/”cell” meeting.
When would be a good day/time for you?
What group(s) can you join now?

Come and See! For more information or to register for a small group, please contact Charlie: [email protected]; Jeny: [email protected]; Sheila: [email protected]; or Victoria: [email protected].



Bible Study: The Mass

The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist.
Join us for A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, a Bible study (in English), Tuesdays at St. Richard beginning Jan. 21. We will offer both morning (8:40-10 a.m.) and evening (6:10-7:30 p.m.) sessions each week. For more information or to register, contact Anne Marie Strabala at 612-869-2426 ext. 120 or via email: [email protected].

Cost for the Bible study will be $15 for the materials.


‘The Rosary in a Year’ podcast now available

An exciting new podcast is available: The Rosary in a Year – a podcast designed to take listeners on a journey to deeper prayer and devotion to the Blessed Mother. It is not too late to start and you can go at your own pace.

Each daily episode is 10-15 minutes long, making it easy to listen for your own personal listening, or with a small group.

This podcast is for everyone, No matter where you are in your spiritual life. By listening to this podcast, we will:

 Deepen our focus in prayer

 Build a meaningful habit of daily prayer
 Discover the beauty and depth of the rosary

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your prayer life and discover the power of this Marian devotion! The podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts, or scan this QR code with your phone to download the Prayer Plan and follow along with the podcast.


MCCL event

Jan. 22 is the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision (Roe v. Wade) legalizing abortion in 1973, which was overturned by the Court in June 2022 (Dobbs v. Jackson).
The church encourages people to pray for all life, with particular emphasis on the unborn, especially in October (Respect Life Month) and January (anniversary of legalized abortion). Jan. 22 is observed as a day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.

Even though the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, abortion is still very common parts of the U.S.

There will be a Prayer Service at the Cathedral at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 22, with the MCCL Rally at the State Capitol immediately following. If you cannot attend, you can participate in the USCCB-sponsored 9 Days for Life novena online. Each day for nine days, a different intention is featured, accompanied by a short reflection, suggested actions and related information as we pray for the respect and protection of every human life. Visit to participate, beginning Jan. 16.

March for Life
Noon at the Minnesota State Capitol
Prayer Service for Life
10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul
Students for Life March & Rally

8:30 a.m., march from St. Agnes to the Minnesota State Capitol


January is Sanctity of Human Life Month

One of the seven tenets of Catholic Social Teaching is that “human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching.”

January is Sanctity of Human Life Month. Especially during this time, please consider supporting organizations like the following that care for our most vulnerable.

Abria, 2200 University Avenue West, Suite 160, St. Paul, MN 55114,

First Care Pregnancy Center, 6517 Nicollet Ave, Richfield, MN 55423.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, 4249 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis,
ProLife Across America, P.O. Box 18669 Minneapolis, MN 55418,

Southwest Options for Women, 574 Prairie Center Drive, Ste 130, Eden Prairie,

Also, consider attending our (BYO) Lunch ‘n Learn with Southwest Options for Women on Jan. 15.


Mission Statement

Our mission statement will be one of the cornerstones of the closer collaboration between our Catholic parishes of Richfield going forward.

As disciples of Christ, called into community by the Holy Spirit for the glory of God, we, the parishes of Assumption, St. Peter and St. Richard, joyfully share the gospel of Jesus and serve those we meet for the building up of the kingdom of God.

Nuestra declaración de misión será una de las piedras angulares de una colaboración más estrecha entre nuestras parroquias católicas de Richfield en el futuro.

Como discípulos de Cristo, llamados por el Espíritu Santo a ser una comunidad para la gloria de Dios, nosotros, las parroquias de Asunción, San Pedro y San Ricardo, compartimos alegremente el evangelio de Jesús y servimos a quienes encontramos para la edificación del reino de Dios.


ACCESSIBILITY: A ramp is located just inside the main entrance on the west side of the church. There is also an elevator entrance at the northeast corner of the building. Parking is available near both entrances.


Taizé Evening Prayer

Starting in 2010, Christians from any tradition have gathered at St. Richard for candlelit evening prayer. Using the meditative music composed for the monastic community of Taize, in France, this moving form of prayer is almost entirely sung.  Music is led by a multi-voice choir, soloists, and an instrumental ensemble. The centerpiece of the evening is several minutes of holy silence. These ecumenical evening prayer services will be held seasonally on the following Fridays: 
• Dec. 6, 2024 (Advent Season)    • June 6, 2025 (Easter Season)
• April 4, 2025 (Lent Season)    • Sept. 5, 2025 (Ordinary Time)

Desde 2010, cristianos de cualquier tradición se han reunido en St. Richard para orar a la luz de las velas. Utilizando la música meditativa compuesta para la comunidad monástica de Taizé, en Francia, esta conmovedora forma de oración nos invita tanto al canto sagrado como al silencio. Estos servicios ecuménicos de oración vespertina se llevarán a cabo según la temporada los siguientes viernes:
• Dec. 6, 2024 (Temporada de Adviento)    • June 6, 2025 (Temporada de Pascua)
• April 4, 2025 (Temporada de Cuaresma)    • Sept. 5, 2025 (Tiempo Ordinario)


Connect with us

To be added to our e-mail list, call the parish office at 612-866-5089, or e-mail [email protected] and include the e-mail address where you would like updates sent.


Questions about
Tri-Parish collaboration?

We have established a centralized email address, [email protected], so that you can send us your questions, and someone from parish leadership can follow up with you personally.


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