Charity & Justice
The Charity and Justice Commission seeks to provide ministries that reach out to our parishioners by sharing our talents. For more information please contact the Parish Office at 612-866-5089.
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is set up at the west entrance of the church each Advent season. Each angel represents a needy child or family. Parishioners may take an angel off the tree, attach it to the requested gift and bring it to the parish office for delivery.
Blood Donors
To donate blood, please call Memorial Blood Centers at 952-224-9060. The Bloomington location is located at 500 West 98th Street.
Christian Service
The Christian Service group serves the parish and community by identifying, in conjunction with Calendar Clubs, the physical needs of the community and facilitating the work that furthers the meeting of those needs. The Christian Service group is involved with VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) and Loaves & Fishes and sponsors functions for Minnesota FoodShare, Thanksgiving food, Meals on Wheels, and more. For more information please contact Francie at 612-644-8596.
Good Samaritans
The Good Samaritans provide a special gathering place for grieving family and friends, taking the burden of hospitality off the family of the deceased by serving a luncheon at a very reasonable cost to them. Families are truly grateful for this service. Coordination must happen with very little advanced notice and includes shopping, setup, and/or cleanup. This is an extremely rewarding ministry, so if you are hearing the call from God, please act now. For more information please call 612-866-5089.
Meals on Wheels
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry combines care and prayer to create a shawl for parishioners in need of comfort or solace. All who knit or crochet, or would like to learn, are welcome. Knitting may be done either as a group or on your own at home. For more information please contact Joan at 612-861-2825.
Respect Life
Respect Life focuses on the sanctity of human life and the threat to that life and motivates the members of St. Peter’s to work actively for social policies that enhance human life. Functions sponsored by Respect Life include “Pennies for Life” and special liturgies. Respect Life considers prayer to be the most powerful weapon to save vulnerable human lives at risk in a culture that increasingly views unborn children, premature or handicapped infants, the very old, the very weak, disabled people, those on death row and those nearing the end of life, as dispensable. Respect Life is involved with the Respect Life Office at the diocesan level, including Community Caring for Life, by recruiting/training “on call” persons and serving as a resource for those individuals. For more information please contact Jane at 612-866-1304.
Senior Club
The Senior Club offers spiritual, educational, social and service-oriented activities for parishioners of St. Peter who are aged 55 and older. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month and consist of Mass followed by a meal with entertainment. There are no dues; rather fees are collected for meals. All are welcome at the planning sessions held for future senior activities. Look for them in the bulletin (generally held the Tuesday one week prior to each Seniors Club event). For more information please contact Francie at 612-644-8596.
Social Justice
In justice we seek to be aware of issues regarding the rights and responsibilities of all people, especially those who are young and elderly, downtrodden and/or disadvantaged. We strive to bring these issues before the parish through education and action on behalf of the needy and vulnerable. For more information please contact the Parish office at 612-866-5089.
VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People)
VEAP is a neighbors-helping-neighbors organization that serves low-income, elderly, and disabled residents in the Bloomington, Edina, and Richfield area. Consider making a habit of picking up a few items for the food shelf every time you shop for groceries. Soups, peanut butter, tuna, canned meats, mashed potatoes, and macaroni & cheese are good basics, as well as hygiene items like shampoo, soap and toilet paper. Then place your donations in one of our VEAP collection boxes located at all entrances. A St. Peter’s volunteer transports all items to VEAP once a week. VEAP-sponsored activities include the annual Back to School Drive and Thanksgiving Food Drive and March Food Drive with Minnesota Food Share Campaign. You can volunteer at VEAP at 9600 Aldrich Ave South in Bloomington, or be a substitute to transport items from St. Peter’s to VEAP. For more information please contact Lois at 612-869-8996.