4 p.m. Saturday, St. Peter (English)
8 a.m. Sunday, St. Peter (English)
9 a.m., Sunday, Assumption (English)
10 a.m., Sunday, St. Richard (English)
11 a.m., Sunday, Asunción (Español)
Noon,, Sunday, San Ricardo (Español)
1 p.m., Sunday, San Pedro (Español)
8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Monday at St. Peter
8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Richard
8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at Assumption
8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Richard
8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Friday at Assumption
8 a.m. & noon Saturday at St. Peter
7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
at the location of that day’s Masses
12:30 p.m. Saturdays at St. Peter
Please click below to read letters from Fr. Liekhus which explain the factors that went into determining the new Mass schedules.
The Catholic Church of St. Peter
6730 Nicollet Ave South, Richfield, Minnesota 55423
Directions (click map): We are 10 blocks north of 494 on Nicollet Ave South, located on the west side of the street, next to the Academy of Holy Angels.
ACCESSIBILITY: Those with mobility challenges can access the Church of St. Peter via a ramp that is located just inside the main entrance on the west side of the church. They can also access via the elevator entrance that is located at the northeast corner of the building. Parking is available close to both entrances.